Faith Baptist Church welcomes visitors. We will reach out to you in Christian fellowship and friendliness, and follow up with you if that is your wish. We will not embarrass you in our services, nor pressure you in any way. We will worship in a simple, honest way and invite you to do the same. We will give an invitation for anyone to respond to the message heard that day but will rely on the Holy Spirit to motivate anyone to make any necessary decisions.
Practical teaching of God’s Word is our focus
We offer a loving, safe and well-staffed Nursery for infants and toddlers (3 years old and younger) during every service. Also, our children’s classes use the Regular Baptist Press curriculum which provides a “through-the-Bible” plan to help children understand God’s Overall Plan for Redemption.

The Lord has blessed our church family with a friendly and loving spirit, and the unapologetic preaching of God’s Word is central in all that we do. We provide many opportunities for fellowship through pot luck meals, game nights, and events such as Praise, Prayer & Pizza, picnics, day trips, and our annual Bible Conference. Our ladies also enjoy cra
ft and special event opportunities throughout the year. Fellowship with each other at Faith Baptist Church is important! Be sure to check our calendar for details about upcoming get-togethers and don’t hesitate to check in with us if you are able to help out.
Faith Baptist Church was organized on December 16, 2012 with

75 charter members. On that day Dr. Rick Shrader was called as Faith’s first pastor. On January 1, 2013, Faith moved into a facility in the Major Mall, Smithville, MO. The address is 14458 N. U.S. Highway 169, Smithville, MO 64089.